GEVA: Three Dimensional


Yesterday was the meet and greet for The Book Club Play at Geva and the launch of the Cohort Program. As Cohorts, we are invited to participate in as much of the process as we like – free pass to rehearsals, attendance at previews and opening, social get-togethers with the other Cohorts to discuss theater and the process and our personal expectations, (and maybe even a little karaoke Opening Night, I hear). In return, we blog about it. It’s that simple.

Geva’s hope is to get the word out into the community about the good work they are doing and to raise general interest in theater in Rochester. This is my hope, too. This, and to get the community’s word in to Geva about what we see, what we hear and what interests us.

When I last blogged about Geva I said that I was looking forward to “Making Funny”. In other words, creating the play that the playwright intended by bringing the words off the page and giving them life. As I sat through the second day of rehearsal (and my first time listening) with the actors at the table tonight I hear this is happening already. And as I hear the Director talk about the set design and the intent to surround the actors with audience on the stage itself in order to keep them ‘painfully’ engaged (a parallel to the play itself where the Book Club members are being filmed by a locked camera for a documentary) the play “feels” more alive than it did before. I find that I am already thirsty for details. I want to know about lighting, and I am looking forward to getting to know the characters better through seemingly simple things like wardrobe. In a few cases, I personally want the actors to make a different choice about delivery because it changes the intent, and I look forward to observing the adjustments the Director makes to move the story differently. Put simply, I am interested and I want to listen and learn more.

Tomorrow is the Cohort’s first social outing. We’re headed to Starry Nights for a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and to talk about what in the world we’re doing. The Director invited the cast tonight and they are certainly welcome to come observe our process just as we are observing theirs. There is much to be learned from one another provided we all continue to be genuinely interested…and willing to listen.

And I also learned tonight that certain motivational techniques work universally whether in theater or elsewhere: “The only thing standing between you and barbeque is one Act.” ~ Sean Daniels, Director

More to come.